ABC Phonics Practice Chart

Hello, new kindergarten families.  The BEST help you can give your child from the beginning of the year through Thanksgiving break is to practice the ABC Phonics Chart nightly.  Make sure you and your child are both using the American Sign Language sign for each letter.  Also say the letter sound as you go through the alphabet.  {It will sound something like this; letter is A, sound is /a/.}

Click here to download and print a copy!
If your child is struggling with learning letters and letter sounds by the time fall conferences roll around, I will have you continue this routine through Winter Break.  Never underestimate the power of repetition!  Some children simply need the grace of time.

Here is a link to the chart, and there is a paper copy in your child's take-home folder.  Please leave it in the folder, but do practice every night after you clean out the take-home folder.  I encourage you to print a copy and place it in your home where it is easy to find and use: