
Our daily schedule is listed below and is subject to change without notice.  We have specials throughout the week that place us in various other classrooms around campus.  

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday:
    9:00-9:15 Arrival / Morning Jobs / Morning Work 
    9:15-9:30 Morning Meeting
    9:30-10:00 Phonics & Poetry
    10:00-10:50 Writing Workshop
    10:50-11:15 Reading Strategy Practice (Stations & Guided Reading) 
    11:15-11:20 Prep for Lunch 
    11:20-12:00 Lunch & Recess 
    12:00-12:30 Reading Comprehension (Library on Monday) 
    12:30-12:50 Math Lesson 
    12:55-1:35 Specialist Class (Art, Music, PE, Health) 
    1:40-2:10 Math Strategy Practice (Stations & Guided Math)
    2:15-2:30 Recess 
    2:35-2:55  Quiet Reading Time
    2:55-3:30 Free Choice Centers 
    3:30-3:40 Closing Meeting
    3:40 Walk to Buses / Dismissal

    10:00-10:15 Arrival / Morning Jobs / Morning Work 
    10:15-10:30 Morning Meeting
    10:30-10:50 Phonics
    10:50-11:15 Reading Strategy Practice (Stations & Guided Reading) 
    11:20-12:00 Lunch & Recess
    12:00-12:40 Reading Comprehension
    12:40-1:00 Math Lesson
    1:00-1:15 Recess 
    1:20-1:55 Specialist Class (Art, Music, PE, Health) 
    1:55-2:25 Math Strategy Practice (Stations & Guided Math) 
    2:20-2:50 Quiet Reading Time
    2:50-3:30 Snack & Free Choice Centers 
    3:30-3:40 Closing Meeting
    3:40 Walk to Buses / Dismissal